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Growth in healthtech is our main driver

" Best quality, serve and price "
Anna Bright.

Let's build the tech solutions of the future of healthcare

We are Sunshineoxygen, a new concept of virtual consulting, focused on the new reality of business and healthtech environments.

We reinvent ourselves every day in a highly qualified sector, where the complexity of emerging constitutes a constant challenge


How can we help you?


100% new concept of consulting firm, potitioned in the new 2020s positioned in a disruptive healthcare environment


Own methodology and tools available as in-company programs or online continuous training. We have a pipeline of training solutions covering the highly requests of the new skills of the new digital healthcare environment.


We launch our own healthtech solutions thus helping to build the new pillars of the healthcare ecosystems of the future. We work building synergies and bridges of collaboration between private and public sectors.


A new disruptive healthtech model

Versatility, in a changing environment we stand out for our ability to
adapt and search for ad-hoc solutions.


We are patient centered, thus we build patient support programs and strategies beyond-the-pill that improve patients quality of life aiming to make it the closest the possible to his life-style normality.


We work in building up the patient of the future. Thus, we are providers of solutions around different patient communities with our commitment to empower the patient and its own pathology management capabilities.

Medical Devices

We build the new citizens helathcare standards through bridging Internet of Things in the new smart cities, smart hospitals and smart homes of the future.

We aim to set up the new standard-of-care

Our success story


Shipment and delivery


Our community

Discover your inner entrepreneur!

Experience together with constant self-improvement are vital points to develop the new business strategies of the future, we are co-creators of new realities and launchers of highly efficient methodology to undertake and reinvent the status quo of the health sector.

Let's Discuss Over Coffee